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Containment of Potential Transmission of COVID-19

School Health Offices and Isolation Zones

The district will designate the health offices as the areas to be used to treat injuries and provide medications and/or nursing treatments. The school nurses will wear their N-95 respirators and any other PPE equipment deemed necessary whenever providing a nebulizer or suctioning treatment to a student. Treatments such as these will be conducted in a room separate from others.

Parents will be asked to contact their child’s school nurse to report symptoms and provide notification of exposures.  

The district will designate a second set of areas to serve as the isolation zones. It is the isolation zones where students who develop COVID-19 symptoms during the school day will report. Once at the isolation zone, a student will be required to maintain social distancing and wear a face covering while waiting for the nurse. The nurse will assess all symptomatic students.  

Any student who screens positive will be sent home. The school nurse will contact the parents of a symptomatic student and provide information about required follow-up. The parent will call the main office when they have arrived and the student will be visually supervised as he or she exits the building and meets his or her parent. Areas used by the symptomatic student will be closed until the appropriate cleaning and disinfection can occur.

Elbridge Elementary    
Health Office (Treatment/Medication Area) Room 132
Isolation Zone (Covid-19 Symptoms Isolation Area) Room 114

Health Office (Treatment/Medication Area) Room 132
Isolation Zone (Covid-19 Symptoms Isolation Area) Room 208

Health Office (Treatment/Medication Area) Room 132
Isolation Zone (Covid-19 Symptoms Isolation Area) Room 141

Health Office (Treatment/Medication Area) Room 102
Isolation Zone (Covid-19 Symptoms Isolation Area) Room 107

Health office equipment will be cleaned following manufacturer’s directions, and disposable items will be used as much as possible.

The school nurses will track the types of illnesses and symptoms experienced by students and staff. The school nurses will notify administration of all possible cases. Administration will make all relevant parties aware while maintaining confidentiality consistent with federal and state privacy laws.

Staff will be asked to contact their supervisor to self-report symptoms and provide notification of exposures.

Staff members who become symptomatic during the school day will notify the main office, arrange for supervision as needed and report to the isolation zone.

In order for a symptomatic student to return to school, his or her parents must provide the building administrator and nurse with documentation from a health care provider indicating:
1.    An examination
2.    A negative COVID-19 test result
3.    Symptom resolution
Note:  Staff are subject to the same documentation requirements listed above in order to return to work.

Infected Individuals

Any student or staff member who tests positive for COVID-19 must complete an isolation period and have recovered prior to returning.  The district will coordinate the return of any infected individuals with the local health departments.

Exposed Individuals

In the event that a student or staff member is sick or symptomatic, notification to exposed individuals will occur pursuant to the state’s contact tracing protocols as implemented by the local health departments. The district will not notify the wider community, unless specifically directed to do so by local health officials.  

Any student or staff member exposed to the COVID-19 virus will be required to complete a period of quarantine during which he or she must remain symptom free in order to return. The district will coordinate the return of all exposed individuals with the local health departments.

Contact Tracing/Tracing Support

The district will notify the state and local health departments upon being informed of any positive COVID-19 diagnostic test result by any individual who was within the facilities or on school grounds.

To assist the local health departments with tracing the transmission of COVID-19, the district will:
  • Keep accurate attendance records of students and staff members.
  • Ensure student schedules are up to date.
  • Keep a log of any parent visitors.
  • Keep a log of substitutes.
  • Assist the local health department in tracing all contacts of the individual in accordance with the protocol, training, and tools provided through the NYS

Contact Tracing Program

The district must maintain confidentiality as required by federal and state laws and regulations. District personnel will be prohibited from determining who is to be excluded from school, separate from seeking guidance and direction from the local health departments.


The administrator in charge will communicate all positive COVID-19 diagnostic test results to the superintendent, and the superintendent will notify the state and local health departments. All notifications will follow the confidentiality considerations consistent with federal and state privacy laws.

Anyone with questions or concerns about the district’s health and safety protocols should contact the COVID-19 Safety Coordinator at or (315)689-8500.  

Superintendent: James R. Froio
Phone: 315.689.8500
Address: 9 N. Chappell St., PO Box 902 | Jordan, NY 13080