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Reopening information to know: school-by-school

Elbridge Elementary

At Elbridge Elementary students will be: socially distanced, provided personal protective equipment (PPE), wear PPE as appropriate and be screened daily. Staff will be screened daily and explicit teaching of personal hygiene will occur. The district will supply students with individual supplies, additional staff members will support the nurse and daily substitutes will be on hand.

Social and Emotional Learning
The master schedule will include brain and body breaks, and will include morning and afternoon times for social and emotional learning (SEL). SOAR lessons will also include SEL topics, and SEL lessons will be embedded into read alouds. The counseling staff will also be available for all individuals.

Teaching and Learning
Classrooms at the school will be split into small cohorts of no more than 12 students. These student cohorts will be stationary, which means teachers will travel to students. The focus of teaching and learning will be: ELA and math instruction, SEL and play. Students in 4YP to grade 2 will receive iPads, while Chromebooks will be distributed to grade 3 students.

Jordan-Elbridge Dynamic Intermediate School (JEDIS)

During the school day, daily screenings of students and staff will be conducted. Students and staff will wear personal protective equipment, and social distancing will be maintained. There will also be an emphasis on hygiene protocols. The use of lockers will be eliminated and students will be asked to carry backpacks. The school will provide students with individual supplies, and there will be daily substitutes on hand. Additional personnel will also be assigned to support the nurse.

Social and Emotional Learning
In school, morning and afternoon homeroom periods will be dedicated to establishing relationships, creating class culture and providing socialization opportunities. Additionally, expanded SOAR lessons will feature coping skills, resiliency, mindfulness and a growth mindset.

Teaching and Learning
JEDIS class sizes will be reduced to no more than 12 students. These cohorts will be stationary and teachers will travel to students. Students will receive 1:1 Chromebooks, and the staff will embrace blended learning. Daily student schedules will include four core area subjects and four special area classes.

Jordan-Elbridge Middle School

During the school day, daily screenings of students and staff will be conducted. Students and staff will wear personal protective equipment, and social distancing will be maintained. The school will minimize movement of students/staff, and provide students with individual supplies. Along with emphasizing hygiene protocols, there will be daily substitutes on hand and additional personnel assigned to support the nurse.

Social and Emotional Learning
Jordan-Elbridge Middle School plans to dedicate morning and afternoon times to establishing relationships, creating class culture and providing socialization opportunities. A counselor and social worker will also present lessons featuring coping skills, resiliency, mindfulness and a growth mindset.

Teaching and Learning
Class sizes will have no more than 12 students, with static cohort groups in grades 6-7 being established. Students will receive 1:1 Chromebooks, and International Baccalaureate (IB) education will continue. Daily student schedules will include five core area subjects along with technology or design every other day and special area classes as available. The school also plans to offer living environment and algebra I for grade 8.

Jordan-Elbridge High School

During the school day, daily screenings of students and staff will be conducted. Students and staff will wear face coverings and desks will be cleaned between classes. An emphasis will be put on maintaining social distance during arrival, dismissal and transition times. Each room will have a hand sanitizer station, and students will be provided with individual supplies. Also, daily substitutes will be on hand along with additional support for the nurse.  

Social and Emotional Learning
Jordan-Elbridge High School plans to create a Google form for students to: set up appointments, express concerns and seek support as needed. Homerooms will be extended to provide time for relationship-building and physical education classes will include Positivity Project lessons.

Teaching and Learning
Instruction at the school includes scheduling eight, 40-minute periods per day, and reducing class size to 10 students wherever possible. Students will carry backpacks, thus eliminating the use of lockers. Students will receive 1:1 Chromebooks and eat lunch in his/her classroom. The school will also use a staggered bell schedule for passing times. Additionally, small band and chorus cohorts will be accommodated in the auditorium, and extracurricular activities and athletics will be reimagined.
Superintendent: James R. Froio
Phone: 315.689.8500
Address: 9 N. Chappell St., PO Box 902 | Jordan, NY 13080