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7320 - Alcohol, Drugs and Other Substances (Students)

Policy: Alcohol, Drugs and Other Substances (Students) Policy Number: 7320
Date of Original Policy: 07/10/2002 Date Revision Adopted: 10/14/2020
Reviewed by Policy Committee: 09/16/2020 Date of Next Review: 02/24/2023
Replacement of Policy Number:  

The Board of Education recognizes that the misuse of drugs or alcohol is a serious problem with legal, physical, emotional and social implications for the entire community.  Therefore, the consumption, sharing or selling, use or possession of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, counterfeit and designer drugs or paraphernalia for the use of such drugs is prohibited at any school-sponsored event or on school property at all times.  The inappropriate use of prescription and over –the- counter drugs shall also be disallowed.   Persons shall be banned from entering school ground or school-sponsored events when exhibiting behavioral, personal or physical characteristics indicative of having used or consumed alcohol or other substances.

Through the collaborative efforts of staff, students, parents/guardians and the community as a whole, a certifiable comprehensive program shall be developed addressing alcohol and other substances to include the following elements:

Primary Prevention

Preventing or delaying alcohol and other substance use/abuse by students shall be the major focus of a comprehensive K-12 program in which proactive measures of prevention and early intervention are emphasized. This program shall include:

A sequential K-12 curriculum that will be developed and incorporated into the total educational process. The curriculum shall be concerned with education and prevention in all areas of alcohol and other substances uses or abuse.

Training school personnel and parents and guardians to reinforce the components of the policy through in service and community education programs with up-to-date factual information and materials.

An effort to provide positive alternatives to alcohol and other substances use or abuse through the promotion of drug and alcohol-free special events, service projects and extracurricular activities that will develop a positive peer influence.


School-based intervention services shall be made available to all students, grades K-12, and provide by prevention professionals who are appropriately trained in this area. The purpose of intervention is to eliminate any existing use or abuse of alcohol and other substances and to identify students considered to be at risk for use or abuse. Intervention programming shall include:
a)    Counseling of student in groups and as individuals on alcohol and other substance use or abuse. Counselors shall be appropriately trained and skilled school staff assigned for this purpose.
b)    Referring students to community or other outside agencies when their use or abuse of alcohol and other substances requires additional counseling or treatment.  Referral is a key link in school and community efforts and the process is basic to the dissemination of information regarding available counseling and health services.
c)    Providing a supportive school environment designed to continue the recovery process for student(s) returning from treatment.  A re-entry program may include continuing student or family counseling and emphasizing positive alternatives to alcohol and other substance use or abuse.
d)    Developing a parent network to serve as a support group and provide a vehicle of communication for parent education
e)    Ensuring confidentiality as required by state and federal law.

Disciplinary Measures

Disciplinary measures for students consuming, sharing or selling, using or possessing alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, counterfeit and designer drugs, or paraphernalia for the use of such drugs shall be outlined in the District’s Code of Conduct on School Property.

Staff Development

There shall be ongoing training of District staff about the components of an effective alcohol and other substances program. Training shall include, but not be limited to, District policies and regulations and the staff’s role in implementing such policies, and regulations. Teachers shall be trained to implement the District’s K-12 alcohol and other substance prevention curricula; intervention staff shall be suitably trained to carry out appropriate services.

Implementation, Dissemination and Monitoring

It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent to implement the alcohol and other substances Board policy by collaboration with school personnel, students, parents /guardians and the community at large.

Additionally, copies of Board policy shall be disseminated to District staff, parents/guardians and community members. The Superintendent shall biennially review the drug and alcohol abuse prevention program to determine its effectiveness and support appropriate modifications, as needed.

Drug –Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (Public Law 101-226)
20 United States Code (USC Section 3171 et  seq.)

Superintendent: James R. Froio
Phone: 315.689.8500
Address: 9 N. Chappell St., PO Box 902 | Jordan, NY 13080