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7420 - Interscholastic Athletics

Policy: Interscholastic Athletics Policy Number: 7420
Date of Original Policy: 07/10/2002 Date Revision Adopted: 04/07/2021
Reviewed by Policy Committee: 03/17/2021 Date of Next Review: 03/17/2024
Replacement of Policy Number:  

Interscholastic athletics for boys and girls is an integral and desirable part of the district's secondary school educational program. Individual and team sports shall be based upon comprehensive physical education instruction and intramural activities, seeking broad participation from all eligible secondary students.  Lifetime or carry-over sports are to be particularly encouraged and sup¬ported. Parity in the number and kind of sports activities for girls and boys is a clear objective of the district.

Student eligibility for participation on interscholastic teams shall include:

1.    authorization by the school physician;
2.    written parent or guardian consent (the written consent will contain information for parents on mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) and will provide a link to the State Education Department’s web page on TBI);
3.    endorsement by the Building Principal based on established rules and various league and State Education Department regulations; and
4.    requirements as indicated in the District’s Athletic Handbook

Athletic Placement Process (APP)

The Board approves the use of athletic placement process for all secondary school interscholastic teams. The Board directs the Superintendent to implement the procedures and maintain a file of those students deemed eligible as a result of those procedures. Seventh grade students will not be permitted to be promoted by use of the athletic placement process.

Injury and Concussion Management

Although the district will take reasonable care to protect student athletes, students may still sustain injuries. In order to most effectively ensure student safety, open communication between students, parents and coaches about the child’s medical condition is critical. Coaches, and other appropriate staff, will receive guidance and training regarding recognition of injury and removal of the student athlete from play in the event of injury. Parents and/or students are expected to report injuries so that student health can be protected.

In recognition of the importance of appropriately managing head injuries, the Board created Policy 7521, Concussion Management, which specifically addresses this area.

Education Law §§ 305(42), 1709 (8-a); 3001-b   
8 NYCRR §§135.4, 136.5
Santa Fe Indep. Sch. Dist. V. Doe, 520 U.S. 290 (2000) (constitutionality of student-led prayers at interscholastic athletic activities)

Superintendent: James R. Froio
Phone: 315.689.8500
Address: 9 N. Chappell St., PO Box 902 | Jordan, NY 13080