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Fitness Center

Welcome to the Jordan-Elbridge High School Fitness Center! The 2,700 square foot center is now open to district residents and staff who are 18 years of age or older. The Fitness Center is located on the west or rear side of the high school in Jordan, NY. Parking for residents as well as Fitness Center access can be found on the west side of the building. The facility is currently stocked with the latest cardiovascular and free weight equipment including Precor treadmills, ellipticals, recumbent stationary bikes and advanced motion trainers. Users will also find a changing bathroom, lockers, water fountain and cable televisions for their convenience. Funded by the Jordan-Elbridge District residents, the Fitness Center is utilized daily by our physical education classes, staff, interscholastic athletic teams and community members.


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday - 6:00-8:00pm

Eligibility for Use

District residents and JE CSD staff are eligible to use the Fitness Center in accordance with the posted schedule. For the safety of all, the Jordan-Elbridge Central School District requires that all district residents wishing to utilize the equipment within the facility attend an orientation session with the Fitness Center Supervisor. During this session, the Supervisor will demonstrate the operating procedures of all of the Fitness Center equipment, as well as answer any questions or concerns that the user may have. Once the user has attended the ORIENTATION SESSION, completed a WAIVER and has read through the Fitness Center RULES FOR USE, they will be issued a membership card/pass by the Supervisor that will grant them future access to the Center.

The Jordan-Elbridge Central School District cares about the health and safety of all residents and staff. Therefore, it is paramount for all Fitness Center participants to consult their physician BEFORE undertaking any form of exercise program. This is especially true if the participant has a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, is over age 45, smokes, is obese or has not exercised regularly in the past year.

All individuals attending the Fitness Center must comply with the RULES FOR USE to promote a safe and healthy atmosphere for all.

Fitness Center Reminders
  1.  All community usage attendees must be a Jordan-Elbridge Central School District resident- 18 years of age or older, or a JECSD staff member. Students may attend if accompanied by a parent.
  2.  All attendees must be medically approved (see above).
  3.  All attendees must complete a WAIVER, attend and ORIENTATION SESSION and read the RULES FOR USE before beginning their workout program.
  4. All attendees must show their membership card/pass to the Supervisor upon signing in.
Superintendent: James R. Froio
Phone: 315.689.8500
Address: 9 N. Chappell St., PO Box 902 | Jordan, NY 13080