Athletic Placement Process - APP
The purpose of the statewide Athletic Placement Process (APP) physical fitness testing program is to determine the level of physical fitness students have when compared to older athletes that they will be competing with in high school programs. If your son or daughter is seeking to be part of a junior varsity or varsity high school team, a fitness test, along with a physical examination, will determine whether the appropriate level of physical development has evolved in relation to similar levels of older students (tanner test). Students must pass all required parts in order to be eligible for a tryout and to ensure the safety of their participation.This program is designed for the exceptional athlete. It is not intended to help schools fill out high school rosters.
Parents can expect students to be asked to complete 5 parts of the fitness test. The test includes a mile distance run, a shuttle agility run for time, as well as tests of abdominal (sit-ups), upper body (pull ups or push ups) and flexibility (V-sit or sit & reach)
Parents are cautioned that even though an athlete may be physically ready, it does not mean that he/she may be emotionally or socially ready to handle the normal stress of competition, or have the ability to mix with older athletes. Even though coaches set the stage for assimilation of younger students into the team structure, the younger athletes must be comfortable within this environment. Should this not be a natural adjustment, it is recommended that the athlete remain at the district's modified level or wait until high school.
A parent permission form is required to complete the athletic placement process. Both parents and athletes are asked to take the time to read the rules before signing.
The Process:
- The varsity coach only recommends an exceptional MS athlete (coach recommendation form).
- The parents/guardians sign the parental permission form and return to the athletic office.
- Administrative Approval - Student’s academic performance at or above grade level, emotional readiness to socialize with high school students.
IF STUDENT IS NOT ACADEMICALLY OR SOCIALLY READY, THE APP PROCESS STOPS. - The athlete is evaluated by the school physician to see if they are physically ready by using their tanner score, height and weight.
- The athlete takes the fitness test (needs to pass 4 of 5 elements required).
- If the athlete passes both the physical development test and the fitness test, they are eligible to tryout. (this does not mean they make the team)
Deadline for recommendations and parent permission:
- Fall: August 1, 2024
- Winter: November 1, 2024
- Spring: March 1, 2025