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5660 - School Food Service Program School District Nutrition Advisory Committee

Policy: School Food Service Program School District Health and Wellness Committee Policy Number: 5660
Date of Original Policy: 07/10/2002 Date Revision Adopted: 07/08/2020
Reviewed by Policy Committee: 06/17/2020 Date of Next Review: 04/26/2023
Replacement of Policy Number:  

The District has entered into an agreement with the New York State Education Department to participate in the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program and Special Milk Program to receive commodities donated by the Department of Agriculture and to accept responsibility for providing free and reduced price meals to elementary and secondary students in the schools of the District.

The Superintendent or their designee shall have the responsibility to carry out the rules of the School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. The determination of which students are eligible is the responsibility of the Superintendent or their designee. Appeals regarding eligibility should be submitted to the Hearing Official of the District.  

Free or reduced price meals may be allowed for qualifying students attending school upon receipt of a written application from the student’s parents or legal guardian or a “Direct Certification” letter from the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA).  Applications will be provided by the School District to all families.

Procedures for the administration of the free and reduced price meal program of this District will be the same as those prescribed in current state and federal laws and regulations.

Child Nutrition Program/Charging Meals

Although not required by law, because of the District’s participation in the Child Nutrition Program, the Board of Education approves the establishment of a system to allow a student to charge a meal. The Board authorizes the Superintendent to develop rules which address:
a)    What can be charged
b)    The limit on the number of charges per student
c)    The system used for identifying and recording charged meals
d)    The system used for collection of repayments and denial of student meals  
e)    Ongoing communication of the policy to parents and students.

Restriction of Sweetened Foods in School

The sale of sweetened foods will be prohibited from the beginning of the school day until the end of the school day.

Sweetened foods consist of sweetened soda water, chewing gum, candy including hard candy, jellies, gum, marshmallow candies, fondant, licorice, spun candy, candy coated popcorn, and water ices except those which contain fruit or fruit juices.

Food Substitutions for Children with Disabilities

Federal regulations governing the operation of Child Nutrition Programs, Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 require that children with disabilities be offered the opportunity to participate in all academic and nonacademic activities including the school nutrition programs. The District will make reasonable accommodations to those children with disabilities whose disabilities restrict their diets, such as providing substitutions or modifications in the regular meal patterns.  Such meal substitutions for student with disabilities will be offered at no extra charge. 

A student with a disability must be provided substitutions in food when that need is supported by a statement signed by a physician attesting to the need for the substitutions and recommending alternate foods.

However, the school food service is not required to provide meal services (for example, School Breakfast Program) to students with disabilities when the meal service is not normally available to the general student body, unless a meal service is required under the student’s individualized education program (IEP) or Section 504 accommodation plan as mandated by a physician’s written instruction.

Though not required, the District will also allow substitutions for non-disabled children who are unable to consume the regular meal because of medical or other special dietary needs if the request is supported by a statement signed by a recognized medical authority.

School District Health and Wellness Committee

In accordance with Education Law, the District will establish a Health and Wellness Committee. The Committee will include, but not be limited to, a representative of the School board, the food preparation staff, the physical education departments, the school nurse or health staff, a registered dietitian, if available, the faculty of the District, the parent teacher association in the District, the students enrolled in the District and the parent /guardian of students enrolled in the District.  If, due to special circumstance, it is impossible or impracticable for all recommended groups to have members on the committee for representation, the District may approve a Committee that, to the greatest extent possible, represents the interest of the aforementioned groups.  

Prior to the start of school in the fall, the District will send in a newsletter, written notice to all parents/guardians of enrolled students of the existence of the School District Health and Wellness Committee and supply information as to how interested parents/guardians may participate on the Committee. The District will also, to the extent practicable, give notice to all parents /guardians and students through its regular newsletters or other regular forms of written communication as to the scheduled dates of all meetings or the Health and Wellness Committee.  

The Committee will study all facets of the current nutritional policies of the District including, but not limited to:

a)    The goals of the District to promote health and proper nutrition
b)    Vending machine sales
c)    Menu criteria
d)    Educational curriculum teaching healthy nutrition
e)    Educational information provided to parents/guardians regarding healthy nutrition and the health risks associated with obesity
f)    Opportunities offered to parents/guardians to encourage healthier eating habits to students
g)    The education provided to teachers and other staff as to the importance of healthy nutrition.

In addition, the Committee shall consider recommendation and practices of other districts and nutrition studies.  

Child Nutrition Act of 1966
42 United States Code (USC) Section 1771 et seq.
Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act 1946
42 United States Code (USC) Section 1751 et seq.
Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973
29 United States Code (USC) Section 794 et seq.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
20 United States Code (USC) Section 1400-1485
7 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 15B
Education Law Sections 915, 915, 1604 (28), 1709 (22), 1709 (23) and 2503 (9) (a)
8 New York Code of Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Sections 200.2 (b) (1) and 200.2 (b) (2)

Superintendent: James R. Froio
Phone: 315.689.8500
Address: 9 N. Chappell St., PO Box 902 | Jordan, NY 13080